Our technicians will treat all rooms in your home including your garage. Particular attention is given to the kitchens, applying a safe residual spray to the skirting boards and to all cracks and crevices between cupboards. Cockroaches will infest the motors of your fridge, freezer and dishwasher so a dust is applied under and around your electrical appliances. Commercial grade cockroach gel baits are applied to the hinges of your kitchen cupboards. The roof void will also be dusted using a safe permethrin dust for cockroach control.
Hibbett’s technicians will apply a residual spray treatment around the external areas of your home, under window sills and to garden areas where cockroaches breed. The spray treatment includes around refuse bins and compost bins, around barbeques and pots.
These combined treatment methods will remove cockroach infestations from your home, without harming the environment, or compromising your family.