

Brisbane is home to a variety of spider species, but not all of them are dangerous to humans. Many people suffer fear and anxiety from spiders, hence the term Arachnophobia!

At Hibbett’s Pest Control PL, our trained technicians have a studied understanding of spider behaviour, habitats and their defining characteristics. Whilst many spiders bites are harmless, most of us don’t want them in and around our home.
As part of our General Pest Control Service – Hibbett’s technicians will spray for spiders, both inside and outside your home. We use safe water based spray treatments which provide a long term residual protection against spider infestations.
Spiders also infest roof voids and will use their webs to make their way through downlights and vents causing spider infestations to your living areas.
The roof void is treated using a safe permethrin dust to eradicate spiders from the roof void and internal areas of your home.
Call us today to arrange a pest control service which incorporates spider control.
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Call us today to arrange a pest control service which incorporates spider control.
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Call us today to arrange a pest control service which incorporates spider control.
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Common Species of Spiders in Brisbane

Spider Bite First Aid

Wash the area and keep clean

washing the area and keeping it clean after a spider bite is a simple yet effective way to prevent infection and promote healing, and should be done as soon as possible after the bite occurs.

Do NOT apply a pressure immobilisation bandage

Spider venom is primarily a neurotoxin, which means it affects the nervous system. Applying a pressure immobilization bandage can restrict blood flow to the area, which could cause the venom to become more concentrated and lead to further tissue damage.

Apply Ice

To alleviate the pain, use a cold compress/cold pack for a maximum of twenty (20) minutes.

Monitor Casualty

By monitoring the casualty, you can look out for any signs of worsening symptoms, such as increasing pain, swelling, or redness at the site of the bite, or the appearance of new symptoms like muscle cramps, sweating, or difficulty breathing.

If symptoms are severe go to hospital

It is usually not necessary to call an ambulance but if symptoms are severe, the bitten person is a child, has difficulty breathing or the casualty collapses call 000

Enjoy your home